This story is an inspiration and the message is don\’t give !
I am Mufaddal Mohamed Jivanjee aged 29 living in Nairobi, Kenya. I am paraplegic due to an accident.
On 2nd June 2011 while I was driving my car I had a sever accident some 500km away from Nairobi in the villages. When the accident occurred I was taken to a small clinic where First Aid was given. It being a village they had no good Medical Doctors or Services. I was then rushed to a small city some 40km away where I was admitted in the Hospital. From there I was flown to Nairobi to a bigger Hospital the following day.
When the accident occurred and I came into some consciousness I had realized that all my feelings were gone from Chest down.
Upon reaching Aga Khan Hospital my situation was too critical and Doctors were not operating on me and therefore seven days later my parents decided to fly me to India. I was flown to Mumbai and admitted at Saifee Hospital with the following conditions as diagnosed by a Dr. Shakir Kapadia
\”Case of RTA with compression fractures at T5/T6 and B/L Hemothorax.
With Central Line, Foleys, B/L, ICD in situ. for further management.
Was found paraplegic with sensory loss at T7 onward. Diagnosed compression fracture
at T6/T7 and Hemothorax get B/L ICD. One Litre blood evacuated which
re-accumulated, rt lung collapsed, bronchoscopy done, mucus plug removed, he was on a T-piece,
Breathing spontaneously\”
MRI Dorsal Spine Report Scanned and attached herewith – before operation
At Saifee Hospital I underwent surgery on 14th June 2011 – I also had 9 rib Fractures. The following was performed:
\”Underwent d7 decompression with stabilisation with pedic screw + cage fixation.
I was in Saifee Hospital for some 3 weeks until I was stable and then underwent Stem Cell Therapy at Neurogen Institute. They investigated me and had the following to report:
\”Neurologically he is hypotonic and hyporeflexic. He has sensory loss below T6. He has grade 0 muscle power in Bliateral lower extremities and near normal upper extremities musculature. He has no bowel bladder sensation but does Self Intermittent Catheterisation every 4 hourly and uses laxative for bowel movement.
On Investigation post operation of MRI Spine:
– Burst fracture of D7 Vertebral Body
– Anterior epidural hematoma at D6 and D7 Levels
– Cord Confusion at D5 and D6 Levels.
– Right Hemothorax
MRI Dorsal Spine and Functional MRI before Stem Cell Therapy attached herewith.
Neuroregenerative – Neurosurgical:
Adult Autologous bone Marrow derived MNC\’s transplantation done as follows
With the patient in supine position, local anesthesia was give in region of the right anterior superior iliac spine following which using a bone marrow aspiration needle, 100ml of bone marrow was aspirated and collected in heparinized tubes and transported to the laboratory.
In the neural tissue culture laboratory the MNC\’s were seperated by the density gradient method. The cells were sent for CD34 counts.
The cells were transported back to the OT in a sterile cool container. The patient was put in a left lateral position and using a spinal needle the thecal sac punctured in the L4 – L5 space. CSF obtained was sent for examination. The Cells injected through the spinal needle. The needle was withdrawn after the cells were injected.
Solumedrol 1gm in 500ml RL was given intravenously (simultaneously) during the injection.
I was at the institute for one week and was transferred back to Saifee Hospital after which I came back to Nairobi.
I returned back to Nairobi on 4th August 2011 after which I have been doing Physiotherapy.
My situation at the moment is such:
– Wheelchair Bound
– Need Help in every aspect of life.
– No control of Urine or Bowel Movements.
– Using Callipers from Ankle upto Hip and special shoes I try walking using Parallel Bars (Balance is difficult though). Also do try walking using a Walker. It is more of hopping and not walking.
– I do go to work but limited hours per week.
– A lot of Pain on the Back and Chest always.
– Medicines taking at the moment:
– Detrusitol 2mg – Twice a Day for Urine Control
– Methycobal 500mg – thrice a day.
– Pain killers such as Ultracet and Panadol when required.
X-rays taken 4 months after operation attached herewith.
Below is a links to 15 videos on my progress: My you tube progress video\’s,
Thanks and Warm Regards
Mufaddal Mohamed