**Competition story please share on facebook if you think it should win the i-pad,**
My mum had a stroke back in 2001. It was a scary time for all of us as it happened so quick. I had just graduated from university but instead of finding work, I spent every day at the hospital for the next 4 months looking after my mum. She now has limited mobility in the right side of her body. She no longer uses a wheelchair but walks with difficulty and has lost use of her right arm and hand. My mum has always been a hard worker, working up to 10 hours a day in the factory before her illness. Not only did the illness render her immobile, she found it difficult spending her days doing nothing. Boredom kicked in and my mother suffered depression too. Now over 13 years later my mum has learnt to live without the use of her right hand and arm. She insists on doing housework, laundry, washing dishes and even sometimes cooking. She learnt to adapt and now leads an almost independent life even though she still has a very weak right leg and arm. She fights each day and now appreciates what she has rather than what she hasn\’t.
Hu* L*
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