Our first competition is over and we have a winner; if you are unaware of the competition it was for a disabled or wheelchair related story and the winner got an apple mini i-pad, There wasn\’t a massive amount of entry\’s, but what we did get was of good quality for our readers.
The winner wrote this story, https://wheelchairaccessiblevehicles.co/mental-illness-is-the-silent-killer-awareness-needed/
and we have a runner up who wrote this funny story; https://wheelchairaccessiblevehicles.co/mum-in-a-wheelchair-very-funny-story/
who will receive a £50 m&s voucher;
and we are going to do it all again, full details is on this link; https://wheelchairaccessiblevehicles.co/online-competition-win-an-ipad-free-to-enter/
I must say this is the easiest competition you could hope to enter and i am sure you will have a very good chance of winning, our first winner only had 227 share, and our runner up only had 63 share, could you write a story and get more facebook share than this ?