Need a wheelchair accessible vehicle in Middleton ? Click here for our stock page , we are a specialist and we stock between 40 – 50 excellent quality used wheelchair accessible vehicles which can be delivered to your door in middleton, blackley, failsworth, north manchester area\’s on approval,
This kangoo transfer car was due for delivery to the customer in a few weeks, the customer had a mobility vehicle which had a full tank of fuel and he need a little time to sort thing out like, transfer of funds and insurance etc, so the customer rang motability the day after putting a deposit on his new car and explained his circumstances have changed and he wanted to return his mobility car early, as quick as a flash motability said ok we will collect the car in 4 days and he was told not to use the car again because the insurance was going to be cancelled at midnight. which was a bit naughty, the customer rang us and asked how soon would it be for his new car? two days later we delivered the car to his home in middleton manchester.
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