And it will only cost a couple of pounds to test the theory ! so too the test; there is this little girl over in south yorkshire who has spina bifida, ( Spina bifida is a birth defect that involves the incomplete development of the spinal cord or its coverings). and she would benefit from the use of a new power wheelchair, yes its a lot of money, more than a second hand car, but what the hell, if it improves the child\’s quality of life then its a act of kindness and if we all chip in a couple of pounds she will be a happier little girl.
why you may ask are we doing this?
- is it a friend? no
- do we want to be friends ? no.
- have they bought a car from us? no
- have we donated to like this before? yes
- will we do the same again, for another child? yes
- are we getting anything out of this? just a nice warm feeling inside.
- have we sent a donation? yes, £100 twice.
- will we send more? hit that share button and we will.
The top and bottom of it is, every now and then we spot something and we want to give a little back and we believe; One act of kindness will be paid back by another act of kindness.
help us get this more known, use the share buttons on this page to get the message around. This like will take you to her donation page. you don\’t have to go over the top, any small amount will help. thanks.